I am intrigued by the work of Anne Wolf, much of her work seems to reference ritual, time and fragility.

She has worked with these themes from making body parts out of old denim, inspired by her experience of pregnancy...

fiber earth works that reference ruins and loss...

to a series of wrapped figures which reference how different cultures perceive the same objects differently and value or undervalue ritual.

See more of her work here and read an artists statement for each project
thank you for this post. I really enjoy her work, her wrapped dolls reminds me of the work of outsider artist: Michel Nedjar. (not sure about the spelling.)
i'll have to check that artist out... i love her out door works. so clever to use fabric in that way .
yes i agree- her outdoor work is fascinating. i wonder what it would look like after a couple of seasons- would the fabric deteriorate, would grass grow over it? is the lasting quality of the work besides the point? and i wonder what is inside the fabric?
so many good questions, now I wonder all those things too:)
i ponder what it would likely look like right after seasons- would likely the pad deteriorate, would likely turf develop concerning this? could be the enduring company's function aside from the point? i speculate what is in the textile?
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