Now that the curation is finally done I have a little lull until the week of the installation that I can attempt to use to get caught up on the rest of my life. Thank goodness.
One thing that I am working on is the Ketubah for a very close friends wedding. From what I understand the ketubah is a Jewish wedding contract. My friends have chosen to have me embroider their wedding vows on an incredible piece of linen and I think it is going to end up so gorgeous- but it is also going to take me forever and I am on a tight deadline so stitch away I am.

I am also fingers crossed going to start on another commission next week and was very excited to sell 2 of my favorite text pieces (above) last week. Visit my shop and find something for yourself.
I happened on your blog about the embroidered ketubah you're doing for a friend. It looks amazing so far. As a ketubah artist I can tell you this is the most unique ketubah I've ever seen. Your friends are so lucky.
thank you so much. I hope they love it. It is such an honor to make it.
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