Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Awhile back I saw the work of Patti Roberts-Pizzuto on Hand/Eye.  I was immediately drawn to the repetition and meditative state of her work.

I  prefer her more abstract and ambiguous works.

At their best moments the work reminds me of my friend and a favorite artists work, Emily Barletta, which can only be a good thing.

To see more check out her website  http://robertspizzuto.com/home.html and her blog, http://www.missouribendstudio.blogspot.com/


Anonymous said...

Oh, wow! This is the work I dream of making, but I am never able to do the 'exploration without preconceived notions of an end point'. Thanks for showing her work.

Joetta M. said...

indeed, it is work I love to see but I have finally accepted that as an artist it is just not me to make this kind of work. But as a viewer I do indeed love it!