Monday, July 7, 2008

work that hits home...

For years I was told to look at Tracey Emin's work... I resisted, the little I knew about her made me not want to be associated, she seemed brash and obvious...and in many ways she is...
But I finally did my homework and researched her last year, as in read like 4-5 books on her including her auto-biography...

and I still do not want to emulate her, there is much to much sadness in the work to want to emulate it...but I am indebt to her as an artist in her honesty and vulnerability and my heart still aches every time I see her work...

If you have not taken the time... let yourself research her, online is not the best but there are a number of excellent books about her work and her very complicated and strange life...
You can start at this fascinating interview.

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