My workshops all went great this weekend. I had 2 adult intro to embroidery classes and a kids class. The kids were hilarious- it is amazing to see which ones can really focus and have the patience needed for embroidery. My adult classes were nice sizes and great groups of people. I hope they all keep stitching. I have some more coming up if you want to get your hands busy.
Today my studio is all cleaned up for a studio visit of about 20 junior high students. I am a visiting artist for the Nurture Art Education program and my 3 day stint starts today with a studio visit, tomorrow I go to their school for a formal lecture, and Wednesday we do a hands on embroidery workshop. I think it will be very fun.
But sadly since my solo show is still up my studio is looking a little bare. I have work up and a little pile to show them but I do not have my newest embroideries as they are all either at my show or shipped out to other shows. I need to get stitching so I have more work.
Speaking of getting stitching, the above image is my newest work for my "sleepers" series. I am planning a series of large scale works of people in their bed asleep or recently awakened. So I have this one ready to go, a super exciting triptych planned, and my camera ready so that I can gather a images of some other folks when they are visiting or I am visiting them. I am very excited about the series....
But this piece might have to wait until the end of the month or so to get stitched on as I have a new text work that I need to finish for a show by the end of this month and another for a show in May and since I am popping a baby out in April I am going to try to finish it before the birth day. busy. But all good.
Love the idea of people in their beds.
Do you ever include your photos in exhibits? I wonder how they differ from your embroideries...
Congrats on your classes and upcoming shows!
I do show my photographs and actually at my solo show there are quite a few. They are very similar images and often the exact images that my embroideries are based on- in general they have a similar emotion and aesthetic as all my work.
They differ by the fact that they have very rich saturated colors and the natural light is very specific and central to the work. You can see some of my photo's on my website.
Thanks for the congrats. it is nice to be busy. I just hope I will have the drive to keep going once the babe comes.
Fingers crossed.
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