Home safe and sound. After a lovely visit in the mountains, way too much food, and some very lovely walks in the woods I am home.
Me and my mom took advantage of the awesome antiquing and I scored some super spectacular linens to work with. I will take some pictures to share soon!
Otherwise I am just trying to get my brain back on- it always takes me a day to catch up on emails and just catch up on being back in my routine and life. But there are so many exciting things happening over here in Joetta land. And I look forward to sharing some of them very soon.
But mostly I just need to get my butt to the studio at like 8 am tomorrow and work, work, work.
things are coming together nicely for line...- but I know that next week I will be distracted in preparation for my piece in Windows Brooklyn. I will be spelling the words "sweet dreams" out of doilies- inspired by this piece. But the trick is the doilies will be suspended? So I still need to figure that out?
So glad to be back and be sharing with all of you again.
Did you see that the awesome Jenny Hart did a little blurp about me? Check it out here.
Thanks Jenny!
I was just thinking about your "suspended" doilies- and I think that fabric starch could be your best friend.
any good brand recommendations. I have used starch in the past and it just does not seem to be strong enough.
Any heavy duty starches out there?
Probably something worth researching considering my work. One more thing on my list.
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