But I feel like my week has been extremely constructive...
and I have this new project to work on here at home-
I have been really struggling with where to take my text based work. I LOVE working with text but have felt a loss of what to say for the more diaristic text and therefore have not really been moving forward much. But in thinking about the red work and the show in August I wanted to have an element of text in the show and also a visual break from the red thread so I ended up coming up with the idea of "re-creating" some of the letters I have written C. He is sweet enough to save them and I am a sap enough to write them frequently.
I am actually very excited about the project as it is still work that is in my words but in a different way, some of the letters are short and silly, some are serious and VERY loving, and some are written after fights or during fights. So it will show the breathe of love in a nice way. All the pieces will be variations of white on white which I think will go nicely with all the red on red work.
What do you think? Does it sound interesting?
Sounds like a perfect idea to me but than again I'm biast since I almost finished with the project Courtship, for the love of it.
Looks like a very good idea,nice sharing about this love Letters project.
glad you all think it sounds interesting I told my husband about the project last night and he was totally into it and then we both wished one I had written when I was really mad at him as it would have been a great contrast.
oh well.
I am quite excited about the project as a whole.
It sounds like a great idea!
I love working with texte too and playing with words. have a glance on this work if you want to ...
thanks so much for sharing your work Catherine- love it!
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