Friday, February 15, 2013

Flashback Fridays-home sweet...

 This one is actually not that old of a flashback just from last May but in a recent search I found it and well I just seriously love her work. Her website also has some awesome new work that I added on to the end of the post.

oh my awesome, work by artist Kay Healey.

Love the banality of the objects, the hand me down aesthetic of the furniture.

I obviously love the fabric works and they get me super excited...

but the juxtaposition of the graffiti with the "home" object is also so interesting.

From her statement:

"Through my art I investigate themes of transience and the search for stability in an ever-changing world. I am by nature a nostalgic person and am very interested in how an object as mundane as a plastic salad spinner can embody vivid memories of people, events, and periods of someone’s life."

See more here.

Ok, here is the add on:
She did a recent project where she gleaned from the stories of native Philadelphian's from different backgrounds to make an installation. You can see interviews with her muses and an over view on her website.

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