Above is the incredible work of
Clayborn Jackson Lohman, a self ascribed "old guy that sews."
The above piece was in the
Cutting Edge exhibit and it was gorgeous. It is quite large about 6 x 6 ft. and incredibly detailed with stitching, patterning, and gold leaf.
(I have detail images to show but they are on my laptop and it died as I was posting so I will upload soon.)
His work has an interesting blend of very traditional techniques and old worn fabrics with a very contemporary style of collage, for the lack of a better word. He also often references more contemporary imagery.

and he for sure has a thing about skulls and the inner workings of the body.

and often is his work seems quite connected to out west, where he lives in Oklahoma, originally from Texas.

He shares little about his concepts and motivation but his love for stitching is quite obvious in the integrity of the work. To see more of his work and some cool in progress shots go