Tuesday, June 30, 2009


It so annoys me how an apartment or home just keeps getting dirty. It, the home, is sometimes like a perpetually needy child always needing care, attention, and help. Sometimes it drives me crazy. Why can't my table sty clean and beautiful.

I am choosing to ignore the cat hair, sticky counters, unfolded clothes and escaping to my studio.
Thank goodness I can.


angela simione said...

word. i've gotten horribly adept at turning a blind eye to that needy child in particular.

Brittany | the Home Ground said...

i've been the same way. my kitchen is out of control! we tackled a bit of it today, but i really need to spend some time in there... ugh.

Joetta M. said...

ugh is right!

Leila said...

Oh, so true! You turn your back and the crumbs and dust have returned instantly!