So I made it to Chelsea last week, and I have to say there was a lot of good stuff to see this month.
Made up for all the crap last month. Here are some of my favorite shows and pieces from them.
If you are in NYC I recommend checking it out, because as always art is much better in person.
The Sum of all Parts at Cheim and Read was great.
I got a bit of Louise Bourgeois.
But I most enjoyed the above image of Adam Fuss
and I always love me some text work, Jack Pierson (top image).

Robert Warner and Mac Premo at Pavel Zoubok Gallery.
These artists make some truly beautiful and fascinating collage/assemblage pieces.
The photos online, really do not do them justice...they were also pretty darn affordable for you budding collectors out there.

and Catherine Lee's Mark Paintings at Galerie Lelong.
These need to be seen in person because they have the beauty and subtlety of an Agnes Martin, which is nothing without seeing it in person. So take the trip to check these out.
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