Have I been mopey and self indulgent?
This job stuff has been a rough patch for me and I feel like I have been taking it for granted.
My work has always been a bit self indulgent, but that works for my work, it is about fantasy and ideals. Reality is not.
So I apologize, I will know be channeling my self indulgence back toward my needles and thread and away from here. Hooray.
And hopefully the shift of energy will bring good energy to my life.
I believe that a smile can bring ten smiles even if I'm not happy at all or don't even want to be smilling at someone... but it's never easy to do that, sometimes we just need to exorcize our downs, so that new energy enters the body.
to both of you thanks...
I like the idea that we need to exercize the downs for the new energy to enter...
I haven't been on your blog for such a long time. it doesn't seem like you've been self-indulgent so much as honest and open, and unless you're honest with yourself, how can you correct stuff or move forward? I agree about making space for new energy etc. also very brave of you to be so open in such a public arena..
thank you for your honesty...and your kindness. I agree honesty (and love) for/to yourself is essential for growth and change...and I am indeed trying to cultivate that...
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