Speaking of alumni, I was over looking at the OSU website, my undergrad, and was super psyched to see that their current visiting artist is Orly Genger. I have written about her work here before but is is cool enough to mention again.

For some reason when I think of Orly's work I always think of her outdoor installations rather then her interior work and it was nice to be reminded how gorgeous and heavy her interior work is.

I have been thinking a lot about piles lately and how I can work with them in my work. To me the pile is such a powerful image and my studio is full of them, which visually I love, but now that I am a mama my house is full of them too. Piles of clean clothes, dirty clothes, toys, diapers, dishes...It is such a symbol for domestic life. So even though though Orly's work is totally not about that - the piling she tends to do totally inspired my brain.

If you are in Ohio make sure to check out her speak March 10 at the always impressive Wexner Center.
Her work is amazing, I have never seen it before, and I am deeply impressed, I am off to see more of it.
i know awesome right. She essentially use herself as the crochet hook you can see videos on her website but is is amazing to see how she has made such a delicate craft into this massive physical experience.
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