Sorry for my absence at the bird but I was away enjoying a long weekend upstate for the holiday and it was lovely to be out of computer world. Otherwise I have been focusing my time on getting my work done for my solo show next month. As you can see from the photo above I am making progress steadily. I have all but 1 embroidery done. Otherwise I am working out the details for a small installation piece and the general installation of the work in the space.

Above is the piece that I still need to finish and though I have a ton of work left to do I am also happy with where it is at...as far as time goes. I have so enjoyed this series of stripped down works...more line drawing, less color choice, just thread... it has been a wonderful break from my other work and as I had hoped it also has invigorated my excitement for the
Sleepers series and its complicated nature and large scale. I am glad to feel that invigoration and excitement as I will need to work hard on getting that series done over the next year in time for a 2012 fall solo show.
Stitching, stitching, stitching away.
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