Monday, June 3, 2013

ethereal threads

 A young artist introduced to me by a recent student, Caroline Cruz Guimarey. Those of you interested in old found materials, paper and/or artist books will especially appreciate her work. 
I found her website/blog infuriating in its slow loading and kind of searching quality but if you have the time to be patient there are a lot of lovely things to find. You can use google translate to get it in English.


She combines threads, stitches, paper and all things fragile with words and image transfers to make her work.


I especially like the series an echo that resists - how she plays within the formal frame of the oval but with layering and treatment of fabric they become quite sculptural.

Her work strikes me as of the intellectual variety and I would imagine she has Roland Barthes and some Kant on her book shelves. But it has a subtle ethereal nature that makes it a bit more accessible.

She says this about her work:

Fragile works elaborated by simple techniques, and it is this how to do and to have a way to position myself at the reality of the world and art, distancing myself from the great size and industrial materials and assuming the ephemeral of those around us and ourselves.

 See more here- including an interesting project where she "stitches" a tree back together with words.


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