Actually, only one is local for me but maybe some of you can make it to the others:
At the Sera Davis gallery in Nashville my wonderful friend Dana Crossan and coincidentally an acquaintance, Jaclyn Mednicov (They do not know each other at all.) Have a show.
There work looks great together.
I love how Dana's has evolved in the last year.
And I love Jaclyn's drawings, which I had never seen before.
Go Ladies!!!

My amazingly talented colleague Cathy McLaurin is having a show The Human Animal Project, at the Trustman Art Gallery in Boston. The show opens October 9. See previous post here.
And on September 24th she is performing at Montserrat College of Art Gallery.

She describes her performance beautifully:
The simple unleavened bread that my grandmother made for Holy Communion at our small country church...is the point of inspiration for this project. The bread is made from a potato starter that must be fed and baked with each week in order to keep it "alive". My grandmother shared the starter with many women...and it is still being used to make bread today, having been passed down several generations in different families. In this way, something from her is still alive - being fed and feeding. I have now started making my Granny's bread in an attempt to work in collaboration with her, posthumously, using her “material” to create my work in order to explore: the power of an "object" to hold the memory of someone intimately connected to you long after they are gone, how people’s acts continue through agreed upon practices, spirituality in the most mundane and simultaneously most magical of tasks, and how a moment can be charged with significance.

And last but not least the gallery I work at is having their big Fall opening on Friday from 6-8.
Faces and Figures at Marc Jancou Contemporary in Soho.
Hope to see some of you New Yorkers there!
Thanks for your comment! I am really happy with the way my paintings are going, but it's always good to hear it from a friend who's opinion means something! I'll see you at your gallery's opening!
Gosh how i wish i could be stepping into galleries and finding inspiration such as these.
inspiration abound.
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