Last night we did what all visitors to NY must do (my little sister in law is in town)
Saw Broadway.
We saw the refreshingly honest and modern Spring Awakening.
A musical about budding sexuality and the confusion, fear, misunderstanding and maliciousness that comes out of young teenage bodies learning to be sexual bodies.
It was quite great I mean we heard songs about masturbation, sex, falling in love, how rules suck, and what you do when "you're fucked"
What more do we need in a musical?
A bare breast, a racy sex scene, the hot young lead's bare bum...oh you get those too!
Did I mention the lead was the adorable Hunter Parrish from Weeds...I have a feeling that since I have seen his bum many young teenage girls are jealous of me.
I loved that one too! Especially the music and choreography. I was surprised because I wasn't expecting to like it so much.
I too was surprised by how much I liked it...it was fun.
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