Monday, December 8, 2008

cheesey weekend post.

Sorry about my absence Friday but... I drove up to Massachusetts to get our Christmas tree out of storage.
It was a nice visit seeing some friends new art work, going to Micheal's and stocking up on thread and yarn, drinking way to many Winter Warmers, and hanging out.
But once home- I did indeed get the tree up, da, da, da, da,....

Obviously the gorgeous new tree skirt my grandma crochet me is the new favorite spot for the kitties.
So we might not actually be seeing the skirt much. You may notice the fabulous flashing lights necklace Blue has one...he tends to like feeling pretty...

So last night as I was finishing up a new scarf, I realized that it matched his collar and well..whipped him up a new hand made, really soft scarf of his own.

Oh and did I mention it snowed for 2.8 seconds in NY this Saturday night... it was so gorgeous.

So I hope your holiday preparations are going as silly as mine.

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