As I get older and everything that I love does to, my C, my cats, my parents...I think a lot about the body. Keeping the body healthy. And the inevitable de-construction of our bodies. So the beauty of Rachel Hunt's work really moves me today.

Rachel creates gorgeous fiber pieces that fuse elements of the human anatomy and body with structured garments such as corsets and stockings to create a beautiful metaphor on both the strength and fragility of our beings.

Rachel states:
Composed of soft, deflated sculptures, and drawings of mechanical garments, my work forms a reconstructed body. The use of textiles is meant to tangibly induce material moments of synesthesia. Parallels of metal (cold and hard) with cloth (soft and warm) give memory to the temperature of the body. The structural assertion is metaphor for posture and self-determination, as the attitude of the body is liberated or hindered by the sculpture or “garment” produced.

Her work calls in mind many female sculptors that have come before her that deal with the complexity of our bodies and personal relationships with them. Most notably Carolee Shneeman and Eva Hesse.
love love love. especially the last one.
Lovelly works! Have a huge appreciation for female artists who work around the subject of the own body... Do you know Louise Borgeois? Extreme complex works.. :) Great blog this one, by the way...
ohhh. I love Louise Bourgeois. She is a total fave of mine.
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