Sorry, no post yesterday but my day was crazy and hectic. I taught 3 yoga classes and had a meeting in Chelsea. But teaching is good and the meeting could have been real good. I am hoping that it will result into my work being carried somewhere that could develop into some other exciting opportunities.
We will see it is all in the works nothing actualized yet.
...and I am trying to get some work done for proposing works to them and works done to ship out to another show.
In the process of all this I have realized that my portfolio of available really good works is diminishing, I need to get some new text works done asap just in order to have them to show people. And in planning for a grouping of them I realized that my stockpile of linens is shrinking fast and I have very few really special ones left. So I am going to have to get a new stockpile somehow?
But no plans to head anywhere with good antique stores until September....
-and my studio is a MESS.
So I guess all in all that is all good news. Busy is good.
I finished 2 pieces this week and look forward to sharing them with you once they are ironed.
hi joetta! your class sounds so great at BG; those will be lucky birds that take it! have you ever been to Brimfield? it's a H-U-G-E flea mkt in massachusetts that i highly recommend for antique linens... i go right for the '$1.00' tables! it's about a 3-hour drive from the city, and it happens again in september (3x a year).
that is exactly where I am going in September. It is so good!!!
I got my MFA at Umass and it was so great to easily get to go often, Now it is a trek. But well worth it!
Thanks so much for your help toward the classes. I am so excited to be teaching again, I missed it big time!
Lets hope enough folks sign up.
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