The collaborative piece Deluge by Christopher Curtin and Mary Babcock was submitted to the Textile Arts Center and it is gorgeous. Unfortunately, I doubt that I will be able to select the work for the exhibit as is it is super large scale at 30' x 40' x 12'.But it is oh so lovely.

My understanding of the work is that you lay on the beds underneath the work and watch the shibori dyed silk undulate in the wind. Making one feel as if in a dream, under water, another world, your own self. No matter what I can only imagine the experience is remarkable and beautiful.
You cannot begin to really understand the work from just images so please watch the video of the work here.
Perhaps I can find a way to include it on a smaller scale?
To my surprise many of the works submitted to the exhibit follow this more minimal style. Therefore, I expect the show to be different then I imagined but perhaps even more wonderful?
so beautiful! something I always loved to do but just never thought of it in artistic terms. really makes me want to just slow down and enjoy life!
i agree, wouldn't it be great to experience or... i wish i could even have a mini one made for over my bed:)
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