So you may have noticed the lack of personal posts as of late - and I wish that was not the case but... our August has been and will continue to be crazy busy and crazy in and out of town-ness.
So there has been little needle action on my side so not much to share in that regards.
But I am looking forward to starting, in the first week of September, re-arranging my studio to be more baby friendly and having one morning a week dedicated to some alone time to make work. I always kind of approach September as the "back to school or reality" month and so am planning to make it my back to the studio month. I am so looking forward to those few precious hours a week and the plans we have for the studio. I know the new studio set-up will encourage me to get there more.
So look for more personal posts starting in September. And for now you can see a little taste of the quilt square I made for my friends wedding quilt.
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