One of the small text works that I have worked on while here.
Yesterday I got quite a few of my small text works all ready and packaged to be sent back to NYC for and exhibit at Taller Boricua, a gallery space uptown. I am super bummed as I will miss the opening- I will be on the road returning from here but am very delighted to be part of the show.
I need to start applying for things again so shows keep happening.... So much effort and time to apply. ergh.
also packaged up a piece that sold last week, it is heading back to the city too.
and borrowed a projector to get a few new pieces drawn out so I can start stitching them this week. I am very happy with the "mama" piece that I have been doing, but do not think I will continue with that technique, a few problems came up that would need resolved if I do.
now a walk in the snow, lil't time, and coffee before the studio work begins.
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