I am loving the potential in the work by Brenna K. Murphy. She stitches onto photographs and also creates installations.

I want to see the photograph works (above works) on a very large scale....

And want everything to become an installation.

Her work is quiet and potent work about home, the desire for home, the absence of home, the idea of home, and the temporal and fragile nature of it all.

She says this:
My work explores the possibility that the body can be a surrogate Home for those that don’t have one as is traditionally defined in our culture, while also acknowledging the temporality of both the body and our collective cultural notion of Home.

By the way, her stitches & most of her installations are made with hair.
See more here.
Brenna is about to embark on a year of residencies abroad and is trying to raise funds- spread the word, help her out, and she will be able to make those large scale hair embroideries!
just found your blog and think I need to make me a cuppa to scroll though and read all the posts. seriously cool to see the collection of your work and shared photo's of the different artist.
grab that cuppa there is plenty to be inspired by. thank you for your sweet comment.
marie- thanks for sharing that info!!
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