Monday, May 6, 2013


I have been oh so slowly creeping progress in my studio.  Today I spent a solid 3 hours getting my emails organized from the last month of insane schedule, some sent, some organized and really I have barely begun. I committed to at least stitching for 2 hours on my studio day and that seems reasonable and almost met.  So as long as I get another half hour or so in I am good.

I am feeling a bit daunted by the studio related "to do" list that I have which does not involve making, like applying for shows, updating my website, reaching out to some folks I need to reconnect with, trying to get more teaching. All things important but also frustratingly time consuming. But with no exhibits on my calender I feel a bit terrified as that is a rare moment for me so I am hoping some things work out & come my way, but  also do not steal too much of my time,  That is always the struggle.

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