To be part of the opening party at the new Textile Arts Center in Brooklyn.
The brand new Textile Arts Center is a gorgeous street level space located in Brooklyn, NYC. The center provides an environment for the professional, the artist, and the student. With an invested interest in the conservation of hand weaving and other fiber arts, the Center offers a fully equipped studio and gallery space for those with enthusiasm and curiosity, with and without experience. It is a place in which craftsmen are, once again, nurtured in their making from beginning to end.
Exhibition dates:
September 16- October 11, 2010
Opening Gala- September 17, 8-11pm.
Artist Talk will be scheduled in early October.

As part of their opening party and premier exhibition artist & curator, Joetta Maue, is curating an exhibition of cutting edge fiber work. We are looking for fiber work that pushes the envelope and is a bit of the unexpected. Any fiber technique and materials can be submitted. We hope to see large scale pieces, installation work, suspended and sculptural work, as well as performance, site -specific works, and video.

The space has high ceilings, large rounded street level windows, and 4 cement columns in the center of the space. Please feel free to submit ideas specifically for these architectural elements. The Textile Arts Center would also like to celebrate the fact that they have a full silk screen studio and we hope to see silk screen work submitted as well. Feel free to stop by the space to see it before writing site specific proposals.
The Textile Arts Center is located at 505 Carroll Street in Brooklyn between 2nd and 3rd Avenue.
- All artists over 18 are eligible.
- Work can utilize any medium but must primarily use fiber or fiber techniques.
- Large scale, installation, site specific, video, silk screen, and performance work is welcome.
- Work must be original.- small editions are acceptable
- Work must be created after 2006
DEADLINE August 20, 2010
SubmitEither by mail or email (email preferred)
- Entries can be submitted via Internet or mail, and must be postmarked or emailed by August 20, 2010
- $30 entry fee- 5 works per entry- a maximum of 1 detail per entry
- Images must be correctly sized-300 dpi, largest dimension 400 pixels, jpeg only. Either email as jpeg attachments or mail on cd.
- Artist statement- 300 words or less. (optional)
- All work details including title, dimensions, technique, materials, & date.
- Name:
Email address:
Phone number:
Website or blog url: - Pay submission fee by personal check or money order (made to curator Joetta Maue) or via the paypal button below.
joettamaue (at) gmail {dot}com
Mail submissions to
Attention: Joetta Maue
485 Hicks Street #4
Brooklyn, NY 11231About the curator Further Details:
Joetta Maue is a full-time fiber artist living and working in Brooklyn, NY.
Her work has been included in numerous exhibitions across the country, internationally and in New York. Most recently her work was seen in a solo show, Home Sweet Home, Corridor Gallery, Brooklyn, NY and The Process of Forever, Basement Gallery, Oakland, CA. You can also see a feature on her in the winter issue of Needle Magazine.
Joetta's work is featured in the current exhibit Fiber Art International Exhibition in Pittsburgh, Pa., and recently was a part of Designing Thread at The Gallery at Mt. Ida College., Break ups-R-Tough, U- Turn Gallery, Cincinnati, Ohio, and Lost at Sea, Gallery Hanahou, NY, NY.
She will also be a featured artist in the forthcoming book Indie Craft edited by Jo Waterhouse.
Joetta authors the popular fiber arts blog Little YellowBird as well as regularly contributes to the online journal Hello Craft and Mr. X Stitch.
This is the 6th exhibition curated by Joetta. You can see images and features from her most recent curatorial exhibitions here.
To see Joetta's work her website
Each selected artist will be featured in Little Yellow Bird. -The artist is responsible for all shipping costs.
-Exhibition cards will be made.
-Press Release and promotion will be extensive as this is the premier exhibit in opening event for the space.
-The opening will have live music.
-Work will be professionally installed and exhibited.
-Any works sold will have a 30% commission taken.
Hi Joetta- I have been a fiber artist for a very long time and this show sounds like it could be very exciting.
Thanks so much- I think it will be!!!
submitting work today... looks like an important exhibition! All the best with your new space and mission- bravo!
FYI : I am away from August16th-Sept.1 in Ottowa Canada doing a textile installation (When 13 Moons Entwine), with little access to email.
If my work is accepted into your first exhibition, I'll be sure to get it up to you as soon as I return
Kathryn Pannepacker
cannot wait to see your submission. You should be fine getting the work to us on time.:)
We carry only the highest quality fabric from suppliers like Wallet series . I try to keep the vast majority of the fabrics I carry IN STOCK with the exception of the special order hand dyed fabrics. We carry some beautiful hand dyed fabrics from Watch Series. They come in a large array of colors. Hand dyed fabrics add a dimensional look to your cross stitch project. We have an excellent tool on our website called a fabric calculator. It will help you decide what size of fabric and needle you will need to complete your project. Not sure what type of fabric you want to do your project on? Thinking of trying a different kind of fabric? Try our Fabric Samples. We have a great supplier for hand dyed fabrics called Flower Series. They are quick and reliable.
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