the last few days I have been super sad and super missing my e.
maybe 'cause a few people have expressed their condolences lately.
It is strange dealing with his death, sometimes I feel like I am fine and then
suddenly I am so desperately sad...
I miss him.
Joetta- tomorrow is the one year aniversary of the passing of my dog Porter, I spent the day in tears, then i'm fine and tears again...it seems like long ago and just yesterday..the only think that makes me feel better is to play with my dog sophie(and silly as this may seem-i tell her about porter...
(*it sad a little i know)
yes, playing with my other 2 kitties does help. And I love seeing other kitties when I am out and about, especially black ones. But...it only helps, e was such a sweetie...
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I've been lucky so far, but I know what it is to lose a pet as we've lost a few as I grew up, and oh, it broke my heart. So thinking about you.
thanks so much molly, for you so sweet words...
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