Over the holiday my frustration finally subsided. My grandma taught me to crochet.
I have been attempting to teach myself for at least a month...and just could not get it, where were all those youtubers and crochet book writers putting that darn hook?
Finally I had an expert at my fingertips and invited the knowledge in.
We only had a brief time together so it was a quick lesson, but I hope enough to give me the skills to build my ideas.
I learned 5 different stitches, and at the moment am just practicing so that I can really get them down in my head... but I have many ideas for projects that I hope I can build from this lovely process.
Thanks to my Grandma!
Did you learn anything new over the holidays?
I am inspired by this to get better and move on to lace techniques.
Yay, you're a hooker now! :)Crochet is one of my favorite addictions and trust me...it is an addiction. I learned from my mom who learned from my grandmother. Over Thanksgiving my mom gave me a set of handkerchiefs that my grandmother crocheted probably over 60 years ago. I put them in a frame in my living room. So pretty! I suggest getting your fill of making scarves before you try to move onto other patterns. They really are the best way to perfect different stitches. :)
Happy New Year!
I went on an expedition into crochet land too over the holidays - rarely ever did it before, but there were old wool rests and a crochet hook at my mother´s, so I gave it a try, with the result of a semi-presentable shawl. It´s fun, isn´t it, and it´s meditative...
yeah i am definitely "hooked"...though i am not one to ever follow patterns...I seem to do better wheb I just make it up as i go...we'll see.
I feel like crochet is something that is much easier learned from someone else than a book. At least for me. Good luck with it!
definitely better when someone is showing you... it was like a light bulb went off in my head when my gram showed me after all the attempts I had made on my own...thank goodness we as a generation are learning all these crafts so we too can provide that light bulb for our grandchildren.
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