I am really loving the charm and little bit of heartbreak that Kent Rogowski evokes with his work. Most know for his series Bears, which came out as a book. These bears are a tiny bit creepy, quite sad, and I just want to grab them love, them and hug them and make them hole again.

His website speaks towards the project and the bears as individuals:
They are at once hideous yet cuddly, disturbing yet endearing, absurd yet adorable, while offering a metaphor for us all to consider. These bears, which have lived and loved and lost as much as their owners, have suffered and endured through it all. It is by virtue of revealing their inner core might we better understand our own.

not to mention his other work:
His neon's which are familiar but still lovely.

His puzzled puzzle works are quite genius and beautiful too. Love = Love.

and finally his sweet, tragic, and romantic snow globes from the series Future(Perfect)

Perfectly said!
not to mention his other work:
His neon's which are familiar but still lovely.

His puzzled puzzle works are quite genius and beautiful too. Love = Love.

and finally his sweet, tragic, and romantic snow globes from the series Future(Perfect)

an artist with a creative mind and a romantic point of view...love it.
hi joetta sorry i can;t find your email again-thought you might like this
A hunt for one artist with a groundbreaking voice and a hunger for exposure
This nation-wide open call is open to artists working in sculpture, photography, painting, printmaking, illustration, installation, graphic design, video and more.
Janet Ozzard, Editor at New York Magazine, Liz Dimmitt, Curator at Gawker Artists and Jarrett Gregory, Curator at the New Museum join this year’s judging panel.
The Selected Artist will receive:
* $1,000 cash grant
* 1-month residency at 3rd Ward with FULL facility access
* An exhibition and huge opening reception at 3rd Ward
* 2-page spread in 3rd Ward’s publication
* Citywide exposure
Submissions are being accepted through February 11, 2009. Submit your best work at http://www.3rdward.com/springsoloshow
thanks nadia-
put it on my list:)
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