I have quite a few little packages to send off today. (and they ended up being quite photogenic) Me and my local mail place are becoming the best of friends. Between me applying for shows, shipping work, and shipping sales I feel like we are dating.
I love that subtle friendship or fondness you develop for strangers that regularly come into your daily life...
the yoga teacher who learns your name...
the wine guy that always has an extra smile for your familiar face...
the mail guy who gives you discounts 'cause you spend so much money with him.
the couple down the street that we see everywhere...but have never spoken too.
Who are you stranger friends?
I know when I worked at a coffee shop I definitely had my favorites.
The friendly pregnant lady who was chatty and always got hot chocolate.
The really surly guy that everyone else hated but I loved to try to make him smile.
The cute couple whom would tease each other the entire time in line.
The world is small... if we smile at strangers.
Hi! I just found you via Scoutie Girl I think... I should remember! Anyway, this post really caught me. I work at Starbucks right now, and even before I did I've always labeled and been interested in familiar strangers. People in the coffee shop, here in college at CCS I see the same people on campus (it's a really small school) who I've never truly met but have my little names for them. But especially working at Starbucks, there are a lot of familiar strangers. Though, most of my regulars have become my friends! I guess this is a really long, rambly post, but I just wanted to say hi and that I enjoyed reading your blog and that this post meant something to me.
Thanks for your sweet words. I managed a coffee shop on and off for 10 years...and sometimes the friendliness and familiarity of my "stranger" friends were what got me through my day.
I am glad that you agree:)
i feel like i'm reading my own comments. my husband and i revel in our 'stranger friends'. it's what makes the world go 'round, literally, i think...
I love when anothers post really feels like you could of said it...Delighted that we had a moment like that...
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