An artist acquaintance of mine asked me if I knew of embroiderer David Willburn, and I said no. But now I do and my interest is piqued.
David draws with embroidery, using the line if the thread very much like the line of a pencil. Recreating domestic scenes through simple line drawings- originally the scenes were found in catalogues and recently are documentations of his own home.

The images have a quiet emptiness in them that really draws the viewer in and allows me as the viewer to be placed within this quiet, loneliness with David. And I must say I like visiting.

From my understanding most of his work is on the small scale side and I wish, oh wish they would all be big, like the top image. I would love seeing many of his negative space chairs life size, maybe even a bed or couch? Inviting me to fully enter the physical and emotional space.

After I added a lamp to one of my pieces and loved it- I have thought of doing work of my home space too. Particularly in large scale quilted embroidery. We will see, maybe someday.
Unfortunately David's website is partially down as he updates it so until it is up again we will have to be satisfied with his occasional blog posts. I look forward to seeing the updated website so that I can see more of his work- and maybe he will even post a little wee statement.
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