I am loving the humor, irony, and skill of artist and avid knitter Mark Newport.
He creates super hero knitted unitards, with hero symbols, accessories and mask. All I want to know is where are the capes?
some of his heroes are familiar old standbys...

while other are creations of his own invention...

Mark states:
My recent work explores different facets of masculine identity and activity. Many of these works come about in response to the question, "How do I know how to be a man?" Some of the pieces examine role models from public arenas (football players, politicians, artists, servicemen, superheroes) while others address more personal ones (husbands, lovers, fathers). Many images are chosen for the activity they depict or the function they serve as either residue of an event or a collectible object...
Through the choice of form (trading card, garment, bed cover) and the method of transformation of the original object, I compare myself to what I have been shown and told about being a man. The activity of making the work becomes a way for me to transform what I have learned and present one of the many ways of understanding masculinity.

What can I say, I love a man with knitting needles.
Do you think if I got one for C he would wear it?
To see more of Marks super hero style of art check his website out here.
I had the pleasure of seeing his "Freedom Bedcover" in person a few years ago. These suits are so wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing.
He's super nice too- I curated an exhibition of his work a few years ago- it was great to see the pieces in real life, and to meet Mark too.
Cranbrook Academy of Art, where he teaches right now is just 45 minutes from CCS, where I go to school! He and the head of our fiber dept. are pretty good pals, so we went to see him last year and he took us on a tour of Cranbrook's fiber dept.
We also just went to his solo exhibit in Cranbrook's museum. His suits are perfectly knit. Amazing skill, really. And they are very creepy. Very creeeeepy! He's a really cool, nice guy. And pretty quirky, too :)
When I saw you were posting about him, I smiled.
so exciting that you all have connection to him in some way.
i would sooo love to see his work in person. I can only imagine how fun and creepy and impressive it would be.
hopefully someday!
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