I am enthralled by the work of artist Karen Savage- who mostly works with the simple process of the photogram. In a recent press release this was stated:
The starkness of black --the cool of white --and the translucent grays make the photogram sublime. It's one of the most compelling and beautiful in the world of contemporary art and photography. Karen Savage is a master of metaphorical poetry and aggressive in the execution of this medium.
I have always been a fan of the photogram from the beginning of my photo days in high school, I have done a number of photograms and cyanotypes myself of crochet doilies, old dresses, and my most ambitious one was a cyanotype of my wedding dress. Something about the floating nostalgic object is so powerful. So you can see why I love Karen's work.

In one series Marriage lessons- Karen explores the social constructs of marriage. In her series Seven Sacraments she explores femininity and the experience and tradition of being feminine through ladies objects.
Her current show at Packer Gallery, Growing up, uses found old children's clothing to explore childhood and loss.
Children's dresses are grounded in culture, garments which symbolize innocence, promise, optimism, and hope for the future; especially a cherished christening dress, representing a state of grace, milestone, and a ritualistic event. These translucent and empty dresses express loss and growth.

My favorite work of hers does not want to drag and drop so I highly encourage a visit over to her galleries website to see more if her work. Look at these gorgeous photograms of linens.
Wonderful to be reminded of this artist's work - I came across her when I was doing photograms a couple of years ago - very beautiful work - thank you for sharing
i know it is so gorgeous- and so nice to be reminded of artists you have forgotten about:)
really lovely and haunting. a fascinating combination of topics she's exploring.
This is beautiful. I loved photograms forever ago, but have kind of lost them since I'm not in the darkroom at all anymore. I love the transparency in these.
oh MAN!! these are stunning! this is exactly the kind of quality i'm after in my paintings. EXACTLY! thank you so much for presenting this work- i've got some shapes and shadows to learn from now. :)
so glad you love these as much as me:)
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