Beyond excited about getting this book in the mail yesterday... I cannot wait to crack it open and start reading. Awhile back I had heard that it was getting re-published but it was not available in the U.S until recently.
Rozsika Parker uses household accounts, women's magazines, letters, novels and the works of art themselves to trace through history how the separation of the craft of embroidery from the fine arts came to be a major force in the marginalisation of women's work.
Every single one of you should buy it and read it and then we should have a book group discussion- wouldn't that be the best!

And speaking of super awesome books!!!! I am so excited to be one of the artists featured in the book, Indie Craft, which will be available in October. No worries I will remind you.
Describe as:
This book showcases the new wave of cool crafting – quirky, cutting-edge, craft-based artwork, often called Indie Craft or D.I.Y. craft. Indie craft is ‘not your grandma’s craft’. While the methods and disciplines are the same – such as embroidery, crochet, knitting, cross-stitch, tapestry, needle felt and plush toy making – the finished results are very different.
I cannot wait to see all the other artists.
But you can get a sneak peek here. (scroll down to see some page layouts)
Just reading Rozsika Parker book...should have read it when l was doing my degree (!!!)..somehow managed to avoid it!!! but am enjoying reading it now. How are you managing it and are you enjoying it? lynda
Daily photo blog http://chocolatelifeandjazz.blogspot.com
!!! Oh I'm so exciiiited!! congrats!
!!! Oh I'm so exciiiited!! congrats!
thanks so much- it should be a fun book to add to the collection:)
i've been reading the subversive stitch too. and i know two other stitchers who are reading or have read it. i think we have the makings of a book club here!
congrats on indie craft - i'm looking forward to it!
totally screaming book club discussion already and I am only on like page 12. Loving it.
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