Did you know bout this journal: The Journal of Modern Craft?
I did not and it looks awesome- to get it in person is way out of my price range but it is open to submissions with academic merit and has a great blog with similar content as the journal itself.
Check it out.
I feel like there are a ton of great fiber and craft journals that I just do not know about...What are you favorites? I love reading intellectual work about fiber.
Joetta, I'm moving to NY. Shoot me an emial....I can't find any of your contact info: zack.repko@gmail.com
thanks for the info on this one- looks awesome. i like Fiber Arts mag. i'm sure you know that one already tho... i keep meaning to check out more of selvedge, but...
yeah everybody says selvedge but for me it is expensive and less about art and more about fiber itself and design.
But perhaps I should look at it more:)
Thanks for mentioning this. Love to visit new places with good content.
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