I have always love the work of the
Starn Brothers, Mike and Doug Starn, ever since I saw their crinkled, dusty, taped together photographs in undergrad. Recently I was looking at a galleries website and got reminded of their work and was inspired once again.

They take the risk to print on unusual fibers and papers, cut it, fold it, crumple it up and then see what happens. They started doing this before really any one else did and where the pioneers of having it accepted in the art world and photography world.

Their work often has a simplicity of composition, especially recent work of leaves and snowflakes, with the subject, highly detailed and centered, (using a specialized camera) floating in white or black space. The risk to be so simple is admirable and in reality not simple at all.

In a way you could see their work much like a visual quilt with how they use multiples, repetition, and the square as frame.

and they are never afraid to play with scale....

or experiment with technique.
printed on tile in the transit system buildings.one other way they are pioneers in the art world is that they are one of the first artists of their level to choose to represent themselves instead of be confined by the umbrella of a blue chip gallery. Therefore they truly control their identities as artists.

See more of their incredible work
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