my sister and I doing partner yoga.
As most of you know who have read this blog for awhile I am a yoga teacher. I do not talk about yoga here as it is not really the intention or goal of this place for me. But today I feel compelled to do so. I have been practicing yoga for a very long time, pretty much half my life, and have been teaching for 10 years.
In many ways it has saved my life, much like my art. Both yoga and art where what I turned to when I was healing and trying to survive through the after math of trauma and personal violation. They both gave me back my voice. Yoga gave me back my body. Art gave me back myself.
For all of us- sometimes life is like a tornado- and when I take the time to go to my mat I feel my feet come back to the ground. Just like when I let myself sit in my studio quietly working letting go of all else but the stitch that I make.
Yoga just saved me once again today and I wanted to honor that.
hi joetta, Loved the picture to this i am currently trying to get my blog up to speed where i am at the moment. However i am just starting a new series of pieces all to do with dance and movement, so this piece really inspired me. keep looking on my blog to see the next few blogs i produce! and keep up the good work! x
thanks so much. my sis is really into the partner/acrobatic yoga so it is fun to play around with her.
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