I hope your weekend and holiday, if you celebrate, was full of love and warmth. Ours was very mellow since we opted not to travel and be with family. But it was very nice and gave us all time to settle in even more into our new place and for me to get work done. I ended up applying for a few residencies as I would love to do one either this winter or spring, It is nice to get out of my own space at least once a year, and now with my studio in my house I think it will be even more beneficial. With the kiddo in tow there are not many to apply to but at the same time more then you would think. Small residencies are pretty accommodating and/or ones with private living quarters. I have been meaning to make a list of them for all you readers to use as a resource.
I also had a meeting and scheduled my first workshops here. They will happen in the Spring. I am looking forward to teaching to the new community here and getting involved with other teachers. But I am also very much looking forward to teaching my workshop in Brooklyn at the end of January.
Otherwise I worked, worked, worked. I got a ton of stitching done but now have run out of black thread so am on hold. I think I will need to make a thread run later today.
Until then I am working on a 2nd piece. There is always something to do.
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