One commenter on my post yesterday asked and hoped about my studio situation. Indeed I have a studio and I spent all day yesterday getting it mostly settled. The different thing is that it is in my home. I have had a studio outside of the house for over 8 years now and generally that is how I like it. I can look at my studio time as my job- go 10-6 and work.

But with the change in my life that motherhood has brought, the reality is that I am no longer totally in charge of my schedule and sometimes I can get more done in the morning while my son is watching Sesame Street or in the evening when he is with daddy or asleep. I have been managing to get to my studio ok, but as T gets older he also gets more specific needs for entertainment, toys, nap, etc....

I had played with the idea of moving my studio while still in Brooklyn but we simply did not have the space or lay out that was conducive to this. So when all the change that came along with moving occurred I decided that I wanted to try it. So we specifically looked for a space that could support me having a room for a studio and we scored. The space is perfect for me to work in and have a lovely studio. It is a huge change and we will see how well it works out. But the space itself is great and I am looking forward to getting to stitching today, as soon as t goes to nap.

The other reason that I did not want to rush into a studio space is that I did do that when I moved to NYC and I ended up in a studio situation that was very hostile and did not fit my needs as an artist at all. So I actually ended up moving my studio 3 times in one year. ACH! So this way I can really get to know the art scene here, find the buildings with serious artists and good spaces, and if I decide I do want one get it. So we well see, though I am hoping having it in my house for a little, while T is young, works. Miriam Shapiro moved her studio into her dining room while her children were young. If Miriam can do it so can I.
I am sad to leave my studio in Brooklyn behind as any of you that read this blog knows I loved my studio, it was a gem. I never imagined having such a beautiful space and community in NY as I did. (actually my studio mate is looking for someone to replace me if any one is interested.) But I am equally excited about this new space. Fingers crossed.
Where is your studio? What do you prefer working at home or elsewhere.
Note there is one more area to my studio that is the working walls. This will be were I hang and photograph my work, but it still needs some work.
A studio in your home is probably just what you need during toddlerhood. When my youngest was in preschool, I felt like work was done in snatches. Best of luck unpacking and setting up your new creative space.
Jealous- my studio is at the other end of Somerville- a bus ride away :( Dying to have something in-home one of these days...yours looks great...good luck!
Hi Joetta - Elizabeth from Squam sent me. I'm a recent Boston movee from Brooklyn (via 1.5 yrs in Denver) too! Lived in Fort Greene for almost 10 yrs, now living in Somerville. Very last minute, but I'm heading to the SOWA holiday fair today if you'd like to join me.
Crissy- Thanks SO much for the invite. I would have totally been game but I was in NYC all weekend teaching. But I would love to meet up sometime soon?
My email is my name at gmail.com.
Rebecca- would also love to meet up sometime. Maybe we could grab a cup of coffee in the hood? I am in Porter?
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