My artist talk last night went great excluding the normal technical difficulties of a bunch of artists and a projector. We had a great turn out and I felt great about how my talk went. I also got to meet a few folks and speak to a local curator.
I was delighted to see my work as the image chosen to represent the Philly Icebox exhibit in an article in today's Philadelphia Inquirer. The article features a number of the most interesting pieces in the exhibit including mine. Read the entire article here.
Check out this interview with the executive director of Fiber Philadelphia.
Don't forget about my call for work, deadline coming up next month.
And if you are in the Boston area 2 great fiber related events are happening tonight.

The incredible artist Orly Genger is speaking. You can read my post on Orly's work here.
Info about lecture here. I saw Orly speak in NY a year or 2 ago and she is an excellent and interesting lecture.
And tonight is the opening of:

Get all the info here.
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