ahh, life has been hectic... we were in Vermont for a week this month and it was so revitalizing on so many levels. But now there is so much catch up from being there for a week and in NYC for a week at the end of June.

One nice thing that happened while we were doing nothing but swimming in little Vermont lakes was that I started to feel like working again. I have not made much or any progress but at least the desire and itch has come back. I really want to get one more sleepers piece done before my show in September so I guess that needs to be priority but otherwise I am looking forward to some experiments in subject.

I am thinking of some cropped close-ups of figures, less portraits. And some still lives of the home.
As a photographer these are favorite subjects: cropped bodies and still lives so it seems natural that my stitches go there. Plus it gives some more space and autonomy between me as a person and my work, which is something I feel I need a little bit of at the moment. Now if I could only get some studio time. With my new schedule here and all the things going on with my work i.e. showing and teaching, studio time has been in major shortage these last 2 months. But it looks like by the end of August things will settle down and with a possibly new childcare situation some built in hours each week. fingers crossed.
tomorrow I head to NYC to de-install small stories. So plenty of quiet thinking time in the car... hopefully great ideas will come.
p.s. spread the word about my current call for work.
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