After all this debate of "can women have it all" based on the recent press it really gets one thinking can we and do we want to? I was recently speaking to a friend, unrelated to the articles, and we were chatting about life and stuff and we were speaking of how I have had a little break from my studio the last 2 months, still making but not to my normal productivity at all and how hard it is to balance economics, motherhood and my ambitions as an artist.
In the end we started to talk about choices, the reality, to me, is that everybody's life is about choices and built on choices and no, no one can "have it all." You can have parts of it all but you cannot have all of it all, not even super woman can... and maybe when you try to have it all you end up the most disappointed. In every moment we are making choices and decisions, accepting this leads you to a much happier life. Though we may bot be able to have it all we can love and have gratitude for the abundance in life that we do have.
I am looking forward to more abundance of studio time and more balance in my schedule come September.
I know exactly what you mean....
Perhaps the most frustrating thing is that for many years we gals have been told we CAN have it all, we SHOULD, indeed we MUST demand it for ourselves or be considered a failure as a contemporary woman --- and that if we don't have it all welllll that's because we didn't work hard enough or want it badly enough...
In other words WE are the reason that we can't have it all. What a crock. We as a society have yet to interrogate the reasoning behind what it is to 'have it all' and what the costs or benefits are.... let alone appreciate individual choices/compromises we gals make moment to moment to try to build a better life for all around us....
Having 'choice' and the courage to choose is the 'all' for me. By definition, when you choose one thing you leave the other behind. Not always easy to do.
I love this discourse happening and jodi you are so right having the courage to choose is it!!!
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