So I am pretty much out of service all week as I am teaching 8 hour days each day this week.
But something to keep you busy is a really great collection of responses from mama art folks in regards to the recent article "Why Women Still Can't Have It All by Anne-Marie Slaughter, which is really long but very thought provoking.
The artists, curators and gallerists responses are quite interesting but it seems like few of these women including Ann-Marie have any concerns about money as the issues discussed are ones very much from privilege for the most part. I would be curious to hear some lower income voices.
Have fun reading and I will try to stop in but my schedule this week is nuts.
I read that article a few days ago at the library. I've long felt that it is unfair for us to expect and for others to expect us to be able to have it all. Men make sacrifices, and so must women -- the problem is that most men count on women to make up for what they choose not to focus on, and most women can't expect the same reciprocity from men. OK, off my soap box and off to check out the artwork. And I agree with you that it's one thing to have to choose between career advancement and family and quite another to have to raise a family and work full time just to pay the rent and put food on the table, let alone pay for childcare and extra curricular activities.
I read all the articles (good bye morning) as well as the counter point article by Rebecca Traister on Salon http://www.salon.com/2012/06/21/can_modern_women_have_it_all/ and it was thought-provoking stuff. I think Maria Sabbatino spoke most directly to my experience and was one that could transcend the socioeconomic - the idea that there is no such thing as balance, that there are good days and bad days: "life can’t be lived backwards and so we all do the best we can with the deck we are handed and we try to cope as it changes around us."
Love your voices being part of the discourse thank you!
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