Larger then life 1970's pin-ups by Melissa Dadourian done with thread and needle. The above works are 10 ft in height!

The artwork begins by inverting its source. Dadourian’s women are public, not private; preferencing abstract anonymity over personalized narrative; and are freed by the absence of pornographic content. Nevertheless, she maintains the periodical’s intense sexuality by faithfully reproducing the women’s pose and gaze, a choice that demonstrates her respect for beauty’s commanding power. In addition, her titles are the month and year of original publication, homage to the momentary fame and brief, but illustrious renown that comes with such a position.

See more work here and a link to the article.
I'm just loving all of this work that you've been featuring from both other artists and yourself. AMAZING! Thank you!
thanks so much. I feel like my blog has been so neglected as of late so it is so nice to hear that folks are still finding plenty of inspiration here:)
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