An exciting evening ahead...I am very looking forward to the Forget*me*not opening tonight...
it should be fun- I hope lots of people come out for it...
and I am so excited to see the work of all the very talanted artists.
I also have 2 works in the show Heart of the Matter which opens at the Cape Cod Cultural Center tonight too- so any of you snowed in Massacusetts folk should check it out...seems like a very sweet little show.
Otherwise I just need to find some motivation to get my butt going today. It is so cold outside agh! When I went to yoga this morning I just wanted to crawl back into bed...and I did...and
now I am mentally still in bed. I need a jolt of "wake-up."
Have a very lovely weekend, I look forward to sharing how the opening went with all of you.
And a thank you to the very lovely blog Heart Handmade and Talk like lovers.
It is always so fun to see which works different folks are drawn to the most...
omg! i was just thinking how i'd love to see your show -- then i saw you're also right down the street from me (practically) in yarmouth -- i might have to get out in the cold tonight again just to see your work in person -- have fun tonight! i'd be so excited too, heck what am i talking about? i am excited...
I hope the opening went well!! It's so exciting to see your work in a show. Even CCS's annual exhibition is exciting for me!
how wonderful. Let me know how the cape cod show is if you go...i envy you for being there...i love the cape:)
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