a new piece I made yesterday.
Pretty much what I am feeling.
Discouraged, overwhelmed, old, and scared.
I have never not had a clear plan before...and at the moment I do not have a plan- just hope and faith and the willingness to work hard.
And though it is wonderful it is also sometimes me standing in the middle of the room wanting to scream f*ck at the top pf my lungs.
i often want to scream at the top of my lungs...i do sometime sin my car and it feels great!
Sorry to hear you're feeling down--you're such an inspiration to me, I hope you're feeling better soon!
I second what Leigh says- you're inspirational, i'm sure you'll find your way again soon, just stamp and shout for a while until the path becomes clear.
thank you- thank you - and thank you.
Your words made my day a little better.
Nadia- When I lived somewhere where i actually drived I too would often scream in my car...maybe that is what I am missing. I should just take screaming drives every once in awhile.
hi. i found your blog after you were featured on etsy's front page and i read it from time to time and i wanted you to know your work is really an inspiration to me. i can fully understand what you mean with this post. this is my word to describe this month.
i don't post much of this to my blog because i'm afraid that people will then actually know i feel this way- lost, but still creating, with no plan. i'm 29 years old and i made a pb&j this morning to take to work with me (and i'm only a temp) i feel ya.
heather- totally there with you. I am coming up on my 31st b-day, have no job (which i am ok with but is very weird on my bad days),and every once in awhile all I need is a pb&j and a hug.
You comment truly brought a smile to my face...
I do post when I feel this way 'cause I think if we all admit when we are feeling low we would not feel so alone in that low point:)
I know what you mean, Joetta. I'm sorry you're feeling that way. Hopefully the spring comes soon. I was feeling a lot like that last year when I had just switched into the fiber dept at school. Totally unsure of if I was in the right place. Unsure of myself, too. It'll work out.
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