I have decided that I think I like this piece better without the hoops...what do you think?
Click here to see with hoops.

I am really wanting to do a piece with multiple hoops but this one is just not working for me, it looks forced....and I have a feeling the next 2 I have in mind will not either.
It is all about coming up with the right fiber, image, and energy.
So hopefully it will come to me...I know my mom is sending me some new larger linens so perhaps I will be inspired by one.
I finished another smaller piece that I have yet to photograph. And though it looks just like all my other text works its inspiration was more on a global scale...which is a first for me. I have to say it was exciting and felt great to make a little piece that was outside of my own head...I might be inspired to make more....but more on that later.
I then noticed the beauty of the industrial area of where my studio is ...lots of water towers, the elevated train, the dirty gowanus... and thought how beautiful an embroidery of it would be a - sweet pastel embroidery of a gritty dirty part of Brooklyn...hmmm.
I can tell my wheels are turning which makes me even more excited to check out Chelsea and see some work. I hope to have inspiration to share tomorrow.
Lovely piece and I agree - I like it without the hoops.
that's a tough one for me because as it is above, it make great wearable art...i liked it with the hoops too, though and did not think it was overdone...went to the cultural center this aft -- i asked about the pieces which prompted them to track them down -- they were picked up at the post office yesterday and they hung them while i was there so they are the first pieces you see in front of you as you walk through the door...great pieces!
um....i'd like a hoop on her hands...not on her face tho....
I really think the beauty of it shows more without the hoops. Good decision. I am sending a piece that might be perfect for the Brooklyn piece.
thanks to everyone for their input...it helps to here other peoples thoughts....I might try Chrisy's idea- hoop on hand not face...we will see :)
I think I like it without the hoops. I can actually hear the gears in your head moving! I love all of these thoughts and can't wait to see what you do with them :) I love the idea of lovingly embroidering your industrial area of Brooklyn. Someone needs to do that with Detroit I think.
Patricia- I am so sorry I did not thank you when I first read your comment. But thank you for going by and reminding them of the work. I so appreciate it:) Glad you went and checked them out and liked them:)
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