Some new works that I finished...I am really loving the linen that the Survive piece is on...it is so special.
It is amazing to think how many beautiful and delicate hand made lines there are out there. I mean every antique store has an overwhelming abundance...

and how many women threading their needles and hooks across the country worked to make these lovely inheritances...
and I like to think they are inheritances for all of us... whomever treasures them and sees the beauty, history, skill, and love...

I always feel a little sad when I see a giant pile of hand made quilts at stores for sale...I wish I could buy them all and give them the love and appreciation that they all deserve, but alas I neither have the money or space... so I just send them a little love as I walk by.

I have been perusing this book which is really interesting - on how most all forms of needle work changed when women came to America...and it has really great directions on all the embroidery stitches.
The above works should be added to my shop very shortly so please visit.
Thanks to Fly.
Dear joetta,
I just would like you to know how inspiring your art is to me. Thank you so much for sharing all these.
Thank you so kindly. I am humbled and very happy that you connect to my work.
Thank you.
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