I went to the Lion Brand Yarn Studio yesterday and loved it. The environment and store was just fabulous. They had a table of yarn desserts on display, a yarn city scape of NY, with King Kong and all, and oh so much lovely yarn.

What I most liked it that there where people just hanging out knitting. No class was going on but a scattering of women were working on their projects in the space. I love when a yarn store really successfully invites the community in.
All the yarn and some talk at knitting night last night got me wanting to complete a few large works that I started and left behind during the chaos of my thesis last May.
It is a little weird thinking about picking up work that I started and got at least 50% done almost a year ago. But the work seems very relevant to me still-and perhaps in the direction that I am wanting to move in.
Maybe I was just not ready yet last year. We will see.
If I do pick it up I am sure I will share my work and findings with all of you.