While working in the studio today I watched the documentary Beautiful Losers. I highly recommend this documentary about a handful of artists working in the early 90's who challenged the norm and created a new direction for the art world simply by being themselves. It features such inspiring artists as Margaret Killgallen, Barry McGee, and Geoff Mkfetridge amongst there equally talented peers who explore graffiti and street culture as art.
You can watch it via netflix. So worth the watch.
And if you have the patience for it to download this short film made for levis is super beautiful.
Back to regular features tomorrow.
Never heard about the film but I know the work of Margaret Killgallen. She worked also together with Rebecca Westcott and Jim Houser. It is really a loss that Margaret and Rebecca died so early. Jim is still working with Barry sometimes. And Jim was also the inspiration for Soul Food. So now I am hoping that I can find this film in Denmark.
Well, I am just rambling on, just excited. Thank you so much for mentioning this film.
Have a great day.
I heard about Beautiful Losers over a year it. It premiered at SXSW and I've been trying to get my hands on it ever since. I almost peed when I saw it was on Netflix! Sooo gooooood! So inspirational. :)
i know so awesome that it is on netflix:)
elizabeth- hope you can find it it is so worth the watch.
and yes VERY sad about their early deaths. always is.
Found the movie Beautiful losers on YouTube. Have seen it and it is awesome.
So thank you so much for mentioning it, you made my fridaynight very special.
Have a great weekend.
good to know it is on you tube too. glad everyone liked the reccomendation:)
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